Should you create your own instance block list or is it worth syncing your blocklist with another instance?

Viewed 75
What do you feel is the best way to create an instance blocklist? Do you feel it's best to do it yourself or do you feel it's beneficial to sync with another instance so that your blocklist is the same as that of another instance? Second part of the question is, if you see a trusted admin that you know post about blocking an instance, do you immediately block that instance as well based on what proof they show, or do you do your own research before you block an instance?
2 Answers
I'm a big fan of these shared blocklists that are currated. You can pick which "Tier" to apply to your server which can all be automated.
When I started my blocklist, I basically copied from another server that I used to be a part of and then appended with stuff from I'm surprised that this list hasn't made itself more readily downloadable/importable.

Coming back to this comment to also add an endorsement for the blocklists. I just took the plunge over the weekend and I'm glad I did. Because I'm on, I can't automate. But downloading and importing regularly is pretty easy.

Thank you for sharing this information. Definitely very interesting and something I for sure will be checking out.
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